Episode 015 - The Utah Cowgirl Collective

Join us as we explore the empowering world of the Utah Cowgirl Collective. The Utah Days of ‘47 Rodeo created the Utah Cowgirl Collective to bring together women from diverse backgrounds who share a passion for horsemanship, outdoor adventure, and the Western way of life. Guests from The Utah Cowgirl Collective are Trail Boss, Dee Dee Hill, Sayge Madsen, and Emma Stowe.

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Podcast Transcript

Taylor McAdams: You're listening to the Kick Your Boots Up podcast where we swap stories of the West. Whether you're just waking up or getting in for the day, come on in and kick your boots up. Hi, thanks for listening to the Kick Your Boots Up Podcast. I'm Taylor McAdams and this week's episode is one that you want to listen. Stay tuned to hear the stories behind the inaugural class some of the inaugural class of the cow- Utah Cowgirl Collective. We get to meet none other than the Trail Boss for the Cowgirl Collective DeeDee Hill. She grew up in Wichita, Kansas now calls herself a Utah cowgirl and she's the director of ticketing for the Utah days of 47. Rodeo. Dede, thank you for being here. I can't wait to hear your story.

Dee Dee Hill:  Well, thank you for having us. We're excited to share our stories with you.

Taylor McAdams: of course. And before we begin and jump right into it, we've got to introduce the other two cowgirls here on the screen to have six of the Utah Cowgirl Collective and like I said, they're the inaugural class. So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, Emma Stowe from Taylorsville, Utah. She's a certified equine massage therapist. She loves writing and journalism and her rodeo role model is Pam minich. And I can't wait to dive into there but currently she is pursuing a Vet Tech degree. So Emma, thank you so much for being here.

Emma Stowe: Thank you for having us. 

Taylor McAdams: Absolutely. And next up on the list is Sayge Madsen. She's from Morgan, Utah. She's working towards a vet tech certificate. She's a photographer and all her free time which probably doesn't exist and she does beadwork. And her rodeo role model is Jackie Crawford. She's currently a Vet Tech and a nail tech. So she's got a lot going on a lot of irons in the fire and that is truly the cowgirl way Sayge. Thank you for being here.

Sayge Madsen:  Thanks so much for having us. 

Taylor McAdams: So as we get started into this podcast episode, I know there's so many people out there that want to know more about your stories and how you got to where you are today. So I don't know if we want to start with you Dee Dee but tell us about your yourself and your background, your upbringing into the rodeo industry.

Dee Dee Hill: Well, I grew up in Kansas My mother grew up on a big cattle ranch in New Mexico. But when we moved to Wichita, my dad was in the Air Force. We didn't have access to horses and I was kid crazy Well, motorcycles too, so they bought me a horse. So they didn't have to buy me a motorcycle. And I started running barrels and high school and in college and kind of got out of it went to reining in the working cow horse. And then I came out to Salt Lake City to do ticketing for the, for the Olympics. And through our ticketing company got involved with the days of 47 rodeo and actually got involved with working cow horse. And when Tommy Joe Lucia came to me with these ideas about the Utah Cowgirl Collective, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is going to be the best thing ever. I was so excited about it. I mean, horses are my passion western lifestyle. So it was perfect.

Taylor McAdams: Oh yeah. And I love that I love how your life and your upbringing kind of prepared you to for where you are now. So even though you were doing the Salt Lake City Olympics, you got to just jump right into it, put your boots back on and go from there. And that's a cool story that I can't wait to dig into later. But, Emma, I'm curious about you, you know, you have a lot going on. You're currently pursuing a Vet Tech degree, your future's bright. Tell us a little bit more about yourself.

Emma Stowe: I started writing when I was eight years old. And but I've grown up with horses. My grandparents had horses and my dad hunted off of horses. So I've grown up around them and just knew what I wanted to do. And so I grew up in four h and four h has made me who I am today, if I didn't have four h i would not be here. But I've always wanted to become a vet and specialize in the legs only. And so I met this lady here in Utah, who's an equine physical therapist, and she basically does what I want it to do just with less schooling. So you don't have that title. But that's where I really found my love was rehabilitating horses and making them feel great without pushing meds or in doing the holistic approach. So I enjoy it.

Taylor McAdams: That's really inspirational and and I think one thing that brings the two of you you and Sayge together is that you're both very passionate about animals. Sayge is a vet tech so there's a lot to learn there too. And so, Sayge, before we move on, I want to get to know a little bit more about you also and how you kind of got involved with the cowgirl collective as well.

Sayge Madsen: So I like you said I grew up in Morgan. We've had horses my whole life. I started to really rodeo when I was 12 and some junior associations and I started with the UHS ra competed on like a state level and then it was able to compete on a national level after that. Kind of got into the rodeo photography. My brothers are Rustock writers and they're always looking for pictures. just kind of got into that world, the just the western lifestyle in the Utah Cowgirl Collective really just amplifies the love of the Western lifestyle and the culture that we have.

Taylor McAdams: It really does. And I've got to give a shout-out to the National High School Rodeo Association kids competing also that all the ones that competed on their states. That's really huge. And one thing that jumped out to me about you Sayge was that and the fact that you were so close, I think was it 2016 That you were like top five at Nationals.

Sayge Madsen: In 20, it was 2016, I was fortunate enough to be in the top five.

Taylor McAdams: Wow, and see what what a cool thing I can relate to that so much to being older and aged out of high school, obviously. And always being able to have that piece of history with you and in your heart. So that's cool. And you're definitely bringing it into the cowgirl collective. So very nice. Obviously, if you're listening out there, there are three incredible women here. We're gonna go ahead and dive right into it because I have so many questions about the Utah Cowgirl Collective. First of all, we've got to give a huge shout-out to Tommy Joe Lucia, what an incredible man, but an incredible person to come up with the idea. And I feel like he's just a big ball of energy that you want to be backing something. So I guess, Dee Dee and the girls, so you guys can just make this conversation, I want to know about how this all got started. And then how you guys were able to go from the 24 to the six, I think somewhere in there, there was like 13, that got to come back. Tell us about the whole process and how this all came about.

Dee Dee Hill: So Tommy Joe, and I've been talking about different charitable contributions that we can do giving back to the community, which is part of the Utah Days of ‘47. And I'm really passionate because having lived in Utah now for 26 years and watching it grow, we're losing so much ground. It used to be everybody had a horse in the backyard, there were plenty of stables for people to ride. And they're not anymore. And I want to make sure that in the Salt Lake Valley, there is a place where kids can go ride. There's one place now. And that's about it. I mean, it's a it's a public facility that only offers riding. So long-term goal is to make sure that every kid that wants to have an opportunity to ride a horse can get on one because Utah State's become going to become a vet school, I think next year, they have an equine program. And Emma was just telling me that the 4-H actually has a horse program for kids that don't have horses. You know, I was a kid that was in the back of a car that you know, when I saw a horse go by down the road that I would have my face pressed against the glass. So I want to make sure every kid that wants on a horse gets the opportunity. So Tommy Joe just kind of one day came to me and said I want to do this. And we started down the road on it. And you asked about the judging. It was tough, because honestly, we were a little frightened. What if nobody applies? You know, what if nobody that we like applies, and then we started getting all the applications, and we did hours of zoom interviews to narrow it down. And then there was three of us. And then we made our selection. And I have to tell you, our selections, we all use a different process, right? We didn't have a traditional score thing. But we all came up with pretty much the same finalist that came down for the tryout. So it was tough. But there's not one of these, there's every one of these girls on our team were girls that I think I would have been friends with when I was in high school.

Taylor McAdams: I love that outlook and that perspective. And coming from both Emma and Sayge, I want to hear your outlook on it too. Because you maybe didn't know that there was 24 In the beginning, or maybe you did. But anyways, talk us through that process too. Because that's a lot. 24 is a lot. And then to be able even to be part of the 13 that got to come and ride in person and look and do the interview and stuff like that. Tell us about your perspective, girls on on that part of it.

Emma Stowe: Sayge, you can start, if you want.

Sayge Madsen: So like we applied, we had the Zoom interviews, and it was good to get to know those on the board and just kind of talk with them for a moment get to know a little bit more about the Utah Cowgirl Collectives. And then they selected the 13th to come back for those the working interviews. We had to ride we had to be able to work cows, we had interviews, we had a dinner social. And just through all of that you got to see the different types of Western lifestyles, not everybody's Western lifestyles, the same. Everybody comes from different backgrounds. And just to see everybody come together to celebrate the culture that we have the heritage that we celebrate, it was just so awesome to be able to see all those girls to come together to meet new faces, and even girls that are not in the Calgary collectives like we still stay in contact and least formed a sisterhood

Emma Stowe: Yeah, I agree. There. I think each one of us cowgirls brings a different type of cowgirl to the team.

Taylor McAdams: Oh, yeah, I couldn't agree more there and hearing that sister about that sisterhood is good. And it's I mean, this is a really you guys have only just been selected. So over time and especially in the next few weeks with the rodeo coming up, you guys are going to be so bonded. And kind of going before we talk about more of the rodeo and everything you're going to be doing there. I kind of want to go through that basically, what happened when you guys learned that you were on the team? A How did it feel? And what was going through your head when that happened? But then be what was it like getting trained up by Tommy Joe and Dee Dee and kind of getting to learn the ropes of what the inaugural class of the cowgirl collective would look like? I don't know who wants to start, but whoever?

Dee Dee Hill: Well, let me just before they start, let me tell you, we are a work in progress. We're finding our way. And it's fun, right? Because we came with thoughts and concepts. And it's kind of nice to have them helping us see meant it. So now I'm gonna let Sayge andEmma go from there. But we are a work in progress. But that's kind of fun, that we didn't have a set plan that we can, you know, we have a general concept. Now we're gonna nail it down.

Emma Stowe: So we had our bootcamp a few weeks ago after we found like when we found out who was all accepted, and when we found out you're accepted we other boot camp. And I mean, I wouldn't do it not knowing what to expect. Because like, they just kind of gave us the schedule and stuff. But it was a long but fun day for sure. So I think we all got closer that day as well.

Taylor McAdams: And Sayge what did you guys do there? What did you learn?

Sayge Madsen: Yeah, so it was just super cool to know that we had been able to be in the inaugural cowgirl collective. And like I said, we had our boot camp, we were able to have a Justin rep there. They talked about just the Justin brand and what it means to wear that brand. We're super fortunate to have them as a sponsor. And we had photoshoots we had videos, we had meetings, we just It was a busy fun day. But we also got to know each other better so that we could collaborate more with our ideas and where we wanted to go further with this kind of girl collective.

Taylor McAdams: And what an awesome opportunity. There's a lot of even rodeo Queen pageants out there that don't fully aren't able don't have the means to fully set up their girls for success. So hats off to Tommy, Joe and Dee Dee for planning that boot camp and getting that started and getting it all put together. But I think something that's cool is one of the things that is very minor, I'm sure on the long list of things that you guys get to do and serve for the next year is being like the flag girls, the flag team for the rodeo. And is that going to be hard having not many practices together, you know, having that experience talk about the logistics there.

Emma Stowe: I feel like we put it together we had at the tryout where we the in person try out, we had to pack flags and like our markers and make sure that we could do spacing. And that's one of the big things that they were looking at. And so I think we all have a pretty good concept about what we need to do where we need to be, and to be able to get the job done and looked at doing it. So I don't think we'll have too much of an issue.

Taylor McAdams: That's a great answer for sure. Emma, thank you for that. And so I guess we've kind of painted the picture a little bit, but I'm genuinely curious. And Dee Dee maybe you can answer this one the best? What exactly is the Utah Cowgirl Collective?

Dee Dee Hill: Oh, wow, give me the hard one. So you know that, you know, basically what we are and what this is going to be is six, dynamic cowgirls that can go out and start making a difference in the community. I mean, we really want to have an impact whether it be doing a food drive, right or going into schools, we've we've been brainstorming some ideas and trying to narrow it down where we want to make the biggest impact. So we've talked about doing agriculture at home going in and taking little seed kits into kids so they can learn maybe in a windowsill in their bedroom grow something they can understand. Doing food drives, right specific food drives at rodeos and special events like that. And then working with some of the four H kids and also going into the schools and talking to kids about the Western lifestyle and about agriculture. It's all tied in together. And then my ultimate goal is to make a facility have find a facility in the Salt Lake area where kids can go ride year-round. That will I will die happy if we can make that happen. Oh, I have to add something about the flag when We were testing it out. And Tommy Joe was saying, Okay, I want he sectioned out the girls to do the flag tryouts. And I walked away going, Oh, God, please don't let anybody die. I mean, you know, you never know what's gonna happen. And I'm a worrywart. You know, and I was like, I can't watch because you just, you know, horses, right things happen. But everybody was amazing. Actually, it went off really good. So well. 

Taylor McAdams: Yeah, and I'm so glad you brought that up too. Because as a former rodeo Queen myself, I think there's a lot of girls out there that don't get enough credit. Because those sponsors are important. First of all, you couldn't have a rodeo without sponsors but then having the the girls that carry the flags, there's times when time is money and you've got to get in and out of the arena and the girls are flying you know, sometimes they can go slow depending on the timing of the of the event and the rodeo and everything but just like well done for taking you know that serious and putting it into consideration and planning it out and seeing you know, what, what girl goes where and, and whose horse is going to go last because it's the less least antsy and you know, all of the things hats off to you guys for planning out the details there. That's super, super important. But kind of getting more into the the meat and potatoes per se of the overall idea of the cowgirl collective. I think you nailed it on the head Dee Dee. But one thing I think is, is very worth talking about and shouting from the rooftops is that every single girl is going to get a scholarship. And once you know, once they complete their year of service, and that is awesome. I'm sure these scholarships can go towards student debt that they already have from their student loans or you know, going to a college that they're getting ready to go to because the age range Dee Dee correct me if I'm wrong. It's 17 to 25?

Dee Dee Hill: So I think it was 17 to 26. Yes, and what we're gonna do is, Utah has a great 529 plan. So it's money we can put into the will put into the 529. And they can actually invest it till they're ready. You know, we'll give them the money. They choose where they want to invest it. And they don't have to use it for their education. They can, let's say one of them's going, those are going to have a kid, they could save it and wait. They can use it to pay off debt. It doesn't have to go, you know, it has to go to an accredited school. But they're, they can use it to do a lot of things. Whether it be a vet school, or vet tech school or anything. It just has to go towards education.

Taylor McAdams: Wow. And I think the number is worth mentioning there too. It's $10,000. Correct?

Dee Dee Hill: Yes. 

Taylor McAdams: Wow. 

Dee Dee Hill: Which is great. And that's exciting. Because they don't $10,000 Make can make a huge difference.

Taylor McAdams: Oh, yeah, that's life-changing. I mean, I'm right there in that age range right now. And if I was given 10,000, I think I would my jaw would drop. That's so so incredible. And and huge. Thank you to you guys for doing that. And to the sponsors that support the Cowgirl Collective, the sponsors that support the rodeo that believe in empowering and encouraging cowgirls and the future, you know, the future of the Western industry needs to be poured into too, as well. So that's really cool. And speaking of that, I'm going to kind of move on a little bit, I've got to ask each of you because your perspectives are so different. You come from different backgrounds, different ages, all of it. What is the legacy that you guys wish to leave behind? I know Dee Dee kind of mentioned it when she was like “I would die happy woman if there was an arena that everyone could go right at any time all year round.” But I want to know what's your legacy that you guys wish to leave behind once you're done with your year of service and then Dee Dee as you continue to build the program. So whoever wants to start, I just want to hear it all.

Dee Dee Hill: Okay, Emma we're gonna look like you start.

Emma Stowe: Um, along with Dee Dee, I mean, I live here in Salt Lake County, and I've seen our four h horse program when I was a junior eight years old, we'd be showing till 1030 to 1130 at night, and we had 100 Plus kids in each age category. And now I'm aging out this year, and we have maybe 30 kids in each age category. So we've had a huge decrease. And in my high school journalism class, I wrote an article about keeping agriculture within our local communities and how important it is. And so I think if I can just be an advocate for that and really push it and show why we need the agriculture i I'd be happy to.

Taylor McAdams: That's awesome. I love that. How about you Sayge?

Sayge Madsen: I think that's awesome. What Emma said, just continuing to help grow the agriculture world. You see it kind of diminishing, with all the development going on. And so that's awesome. I think for me, I I grew up rodeoing. I love the rodeo sport. I love the atmosphere that it is. And for me, I would just want to be able to tell the girls coming up that it's not really about how much money you can spend on horses. It's about the bond you have with your horse. It's about the friendships that you make because those friendships and those bonds that determination and that work ethic that you gain while doing that that will last you a lifetime. And that's really what it's about is becoming who you are more in depth and showing everybody more of who you are and the type of person that you can become through horsemanship. Rather than really just trying to focus on winning all the time. It's just who you are.

Taylor McAdams:  Wow, you guys are too well-rounded individuals, I think the Utah Cowgirl Collective has something going good, because we've only talked to two of them. And there's four others. So the future is very, very bright and Dee Dee from you, let's talk a little bit more about your perspective of maybe your overall goals that you want to you know that you see the program going, because we don't want to talk about the legacy that you're going to leave behind because you're in this for the long haul.

Dee Dee Hill: Well, eventually, I would love to see us have a team so that we can take our team of girls and go to the art of the cowgirl and compete in the rodeo and the ranch rodeo. So ultimately, I want a big living quarters trainer. And we're all going to hit the road and we're going to go down there with a team. So I mean, I like to dream big, right? So that's that was, like I said, I want these girls to leave a legacy everyone and the inaugural year and this is we talked about this is we're setting the bar and I want this first year to set. It's so high that everyone behind them has to really work hard. And I think they're gonna nail it without a doubt.

Taylor McAdams: I think so too. I'm already like, Hey, can I move to Utah and join

Dee Dee Hill: You could be the assistant trail boss.

Taylor McAdams: I love it. I love it. We were talking off-camera about how I was telling the girls how I thought we would be friends just based on your conversation and how you are so I love that so much. And then because we're running out of time we have to do we have to talk about the rodeo week is ahead. There's a lot going on the days that Utah Days of seventh world blah, blah, the Utah Days of ‘47 rodeo you guys can say that faster than I can. Tell us about all the activities that's going on there. Like what will you guys be doing? Do you know what your schedules will look like yet? Just tell us about all of it

Taylor McAdams: Sayge, do you want to start?

Sayge Madsen: Sure I know that we have a very busy packed week. They have I believe Dee Dee correct me if I'm wrong. There's a cattle drive that we do. 

Dee Dee Hill: Yes, we have a cattle drive and let me just jump in. We drive from downtown Salt Lake over to the Fair Park. We have a cattle drive with a with a long horns and I mean long horns. And so that people love that we go all through downtown over the bridge. Our governor and the First Lady join us on that. So that's going to be amazing. So that's how we kick off the day before the rodeo is with the cattle drive.

Taylor McAdams: Wow and Emma if you want to add anything else, what are you looking forward to with your schedule? Now as the Utah Cowgirl Collective member?

Emma Stowe: I see I'm most excited for the rodeo. I mean I've worked at loves like she's a rodeo horse through through if there's announcer music playing and people cheering she loves it. So just being able to watch her do her thing and like pack flags and be involved with the rodeo and see the little girls that light up when you ride past that's my favorite thing in the world.

Taylor McAdams: And you just sparked a question that I'm I want to ask both you and Sayge because I know this was a struggle for me I had really good horses that were raining really good horses that rubber barrel horses, and then it was really hard to find all around horses that would be barrel horses and have the gas to go fast but then also be brave enough I guess to carry the flag because a lot of horses take a while to get used to the flag. So I want to hear your guys's perspective there really quick what was it like getting your horses ready to pack flags for the tryouts and then now adding the lights, the fans everything about the rodeo do you do? Are you nervous about your horses because you're going to be sending them they're going to be going pretty quick.

Emma Stowe: My horse is pretty solid, but she's been a rodeo Queen horse. She's 22 and acts like she's five. So she just loves her job and knows her job and does it well. She does get a little antsy. I mean her name is kickstart so she starts but I think the most thing for me is that she just gets a little antsy at the gate so I'm like you're okay just calm down but she just wants to run right on.

Taylor McAdams: How about you Sayge?

Sayge Madsen: Kind of like Emma I have a rodeo horse I I've rodeo on her forever. She's just loves the crowd loves the lights, loves all the excitement. She can definitely tell when it's ready to go and she likes to go. So it's going to be super fun to pack flags. I know some horses don't love it, but we definitely have trained ours and may love it.

Taylor McAdams:  And this is the horse that you're talking about Sayge is that your poles your pole bending horse?

Sayge Madsen: It is so this is the one that you were able to To train then to,I did I've had her since she was little, she was a cutting horse and then she got in an accident and she fractured her skull. And she went a little crazy. But, and then I just wanted to rodeo and we didn't have anything. So I took her and I trained her and we've been very fortunate and successful in the rodeo industry.

Taylor McAdams: I love that I love a good success story there and because we are running out of time a little bit to wrap up this podcast I want to learn more about the rodeo and I want me people to be able to follow along throughout your experience through the rodeo and then beyond throughout your whole year as the cowgirl collective so now's your time. Tell us about where we can go to find any information. I know the rodeo is happening July 19 through 22nd and the 24th taking that break on Sunday. I really appreciate and respect that it's in Salt Lake City, Utah, you can go to their website and purchase tickets but from there let's talk about Cowgirl Collective you guys have a website social media and then use this time to plug yourselves as well I know say you have a photography business so whatever you guys would like to do where can we find you keep up with you personally, professionally, all of it.

Emma Stowe: We have social media is on Facebook and Instagram at the Utah Cowgirl Collective. And we have a website for the Utah Cowgirl Collective as well. So they can follow our journey on.

Taylor McAdams: Awesome and Emma What about you? What's your social media?

Emma Stowe: My social media My Facebook is just Emma Stowe, and then my Instagram is still underscore Emma, but then I also have a therapy business, so you guys can follow it's kickstart equine physical therapy.

Taylor McAdams: I love that inspo from your horse that's awesome. Sorry, my heart worse so I just lost my heart horse a few December's ago and that was the hardest thing I think I've ever done in my life. 

Dee Dee Hill: So heart breaking.

Taylor McAdams:  it is so keep up with the kickstart that's awesome everyone have to go follow there to keep up with her. Sayge, what about you?

Sayge Madsen: Yeah, so my Facebook just saved Madsen my Instagram is CG June I have a couple businesses kind of going on I have a beading business it's called bead for the brand I have the photography business which you mentioned that's been for the brand photography and I'm a nail tech so that Saygebrush nails so just kind of busy and have a lot of diversity going on.

Dee Dee Hill: Sayge, can you share your nails with her show her the nails that you design kit? 

Sayge Madsen: Yeah 

Dee Dee Hill: Are they close by that you can share I got to show them to me last night there hear me?

Taylor McAdams: well while she's doing that DD How about you? How can we keep up with you?

Dee Dee Hill: Just call me i on Facebook and Instagram at Dierdre Hill. I'm not really good. I'm more of a Facebook stalker. I mean just this time of year it's really tough. I do everything about my E is usually it's just horse pictures for staff. Yeah, I'm pretty boring myself just when it gets rodeo time. We're so focused on getting that done but I like to follow people on Instagram and Facebook.

Taylor McAdams: I love that. Okay, Sayge let's see those nails.

Sayge Madsen:  Okay, I don't know if you can see these. So we have the Days of ‘47 logo back numbers because who doesn't love to support their number one.

Emma Stowe: Look! I have a badge number on my finger. 

Sayge Madsen:  Oh, yep, wording there number one and the Utah Cowgirl Collective's logo

Taylor McAdams: Wow you're so talented. I have no oh my goodness if you're anywhere in the Utah area the whole state you guys need to go now go get your nails done by saved you heard it here first on the Kick Your Boots Up podcast. I will have to follow your no page to see all the talented works that you guys have done a both of you I'm so in awe and I know the other four ladies I'm bummed. I don't get to speak with them. But I wish you all the very best in the future, especially this year, it will be the most rewarding, tiring, hard year of your life. But I know it'll all work out the way it's supposed to in the end. And I am so excited personally to cheer you guys on down the array and down the way and then even Dee Dee continue to see how the collective grows and you got what you guys are doing the awesome things they are. So congratulations to you all for starting this inaugural class and being a part of it. We at Justin are so proud and so honored to support and sponsor you guys. And we firmly believe that you guys are the future of rodeo and the future of the Western industry. And it's so bright. I'm so inspired by you guys. So continue to keep living it on and sharing your story for His glory and keep it up. Thank you guys for taking the time to Kick Your Boots Up.

Sayge Madsen: Thank You!

Emma Stowe: Thank You!

Dee Dee Hill: And Justin for being such a wonderful sponsor.

Taylor McAdams: Thanks for joining us on Kick Your Boots Up. I'm your host Taylor McAdams and we can't wait to share the next story of the West. Until then, feel free to like subscribe and leave us a review. Follow us on social media at Justin boots to keep up with our next episode. And we'll see you the next time you kick your boots up